The story behind SunSense

"How can I avoid getting sunburned?" — This was the question SunSense founder Åsulv Tønnesland set out to explore after experiencing a severe sunburn on a beach even though he used sunscreen. After extensive literature searches, discussions with dermatologists and researchers, he realized that there was a need to better control and manage personal UV exposure. People need to be empowered to enjoy the sun safely to minimize the risk of serious diseases such as skin cancer and to maximize the benefits of being in the sun. That's why he invented SunSense - the portable UV tracker!

SunSense is a private limited company located in Mandal, Norway. We have a high-quality management team, advisory board and board with extensive experience from pharma, healthcare, electronics/ICT and finance.

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Interested in becoming a SunSense partner?

Please get in touch with general manager Glenn Eliassen on e-mail, or via mobile/WhatsApp +47 90 89 21 22.

We look forward to talking to you.